Quality Policy.
At EB Engineering® we focus on the Quality Management System as a way of organizing our business development, basing it on the fundamental concepts of the quality of our designs and products, our own “expertise”, acquired in the number of projects developed throughout our history and years of life, and in the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the new Quality Management System, and Customer satisfaction.
And with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction, EB Engineering® adopts the following Quality Policy:
- Offer our clients professional and personalized attention in order to provide the most practical technical and commercial solutions to solve their needs and problems.
- Implement a process of continuous improvement, through the correct execution, control, execution and evaluation of each process of the organization.
- Ensure the satisfaction of all customers in terms of quality of work and service provided.
- Promote the growing participation of all our own personnel, suppliers and third-party contractors in all the objectives of the Company, the ethics of its actions, and the motivation that moves us, implementing a communication policy and requirements, ensuring their understanding, implementation and compliance at all levels involved.
- Maintain and permanently improve a Quality Management System that complies with the ISO 9001 standard in its latest applicable version, and with this Quality Policy.
We seek excellence in our designs and equipment based on the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard and compliance with quality objectives, legal requirements and current regulations.